Saturday, April 08, 2006

A dog escaped from his yard and was on the run for two years, surviving by raiding garbage cans and getting handouts from neighbors. So how do you capture him?
That's what happened to Sam, a golden retriever in Stratham, New Hampshire, who ran away from his home with Reg and Dennis Sklarski in 2004. He didn't go far but stayed in the nearby woods and spent his days and nights just cruising the roads. Over the months and years, neighbors often spotted Sam and called the Sklarskis, but they were unable to track him down and entice him back. In January, they brought in experts armed with infrared cameras and tried to trap him with a remote-controlled net, but to no avail. They then used a helicopter to do aerial searching but missed him repeatedly with a tranquilizer gun. Short of calling in the FBI and Homeland Security, they were nearly out of options.
In March, the SPCA got involved and set up a new trap with their own remote-controlled net. All the town folks who had been leaving food out for Sam agreed to stop. It took five weeks, but on Wednesday, volunteers spotted Sam in the area and watched him approach the contraption on a video monitor. Sam was cautious. He sniffed the air and the ground and looked from side to side, and slowly crept toward the food dish. When he was directly under the target, they dropped the wide net. He still almost managed to get away, receiving a cut lip in the attempt, but he was finally caught. The bait? A big, juicy piece of ham.
It's just sad beyond belief. For two years, this dog did the species proud, being sly, cunning and resourceful, surviving tough New England winters and living the good care-free dog life. And to give up all of that over a piece of ham? Totally shameful. Let me tell you, a Siberian husky under the same circumstances would have been halfway to Nome, dining on wild rabbits, coyotes and buffaloes and generally living the high life. And if they wanted to catch us, it would have taken a lot more than ham and a stupid net. Maybe ham with Cheez-It on top, or perhaps a ham candlelight dinner with a husky babe at the very minimum. Now, would someone rub my belly, please?
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It would be really fun to be free and have an independent life... I just wonder where I would find my before sleep yogurt?
That's only because you don't let him out to do what he does best. Oh, all that wasted snow.
I'd give up yogurt for rabbits and freedom to roam the world.
Me too, I thought he was a Siberian Husky, until I found out he got caught. No self-respecting Siberian would ever let that happen.
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That's only because you don't let him out to do what he does best. Oh, all that wasted snow.
I'd give up yogurt for rabbits and freedom to roam the world.
Me too, I thought he was a Siberian Husky, until I found out he got caught. No self-respecting Siberian would ever let that happen.
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