Sunday, February 19, 2006

Complaining about the Department of Motor Vehicles seems to be as American as arguing Coke vs. Pepsi (I dislike both, so sue me -- OK, that's American too). But, if you hate DMV that much, why don't you get out of the country and move to Japan? Seriously, you'll like their system much better.
Last month, a driver's license office in Fukuoka Prefecture in southern Japan mistakenly showed a porn video during a lecture on driving laws. Japanese drivers are required to visit the center and take a refresher class in order to renew their driver's licenses. About 1600 people were listening to the lecture in nine separate rooms at the time, and not a single person objected. Either they were dozing off or they were surprised to learn new, unusual techniques for blowing the horn and making an emergency detour.
An official at the center has apologized profusely and said that measures have been taken so that mistake will never happen again. From now on, the director will personally watch every DMV video himself to make sure it has no entertainment value whatsoever.
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I was going to make my usual "Men!" comment, but then I don't understand. Why aren't the women in the class complaining? Unless they were fascinated by the video too? Japanese women!
I'm sure the women were busy taking class notes.
Il Mo,
Be careful with that illegal U-rurn. It's a criminal offense.
That's right. You have to find your way around with just a map and a compass.
Government for the people, by the people. Japanese style.
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I'm sure the women were busy taking class notes.
Il Mo,
Be careful with that illegal U-rurn. It's a criminal offense.
That's right. You have to find your way around with just a map and a compass.
Government for the people, by the people. Japanese style.
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