Chin Yui Yat Sang (Theme song from the movie "The Killer" (1989) directed by John Woo) - Sally Yeh
If dogs could speak...
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Il Mac Grande Terribile
To celebrate the upcoming Winter Olympics in Torino, Italy, McDonald's Japan plans to launch three "Italian-themed" food selections during a one-month promotion period starting next week.

The first is an espresso-flavored milkshake, which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. The second is bite-sized cheesy-potato balls. My guess is that it is french fry paste formed into little balls and topped with Cheez Whiz -- at least that's what I would do if someone asked me to make cheesy potato balls. The third offering is a tomato-stewed chicken hamburger. Now I don't understand why there is chicken in hamburger (although I suppose it's better than soy), and why some people seem to think that just putting tomato into anything makes it Italian. Maybe they should throw in a few cucumber slices and call it Japanese-Italian "mixed" hamburger. As an aside, that was one thing I learned while in Japan, that "mixed" is the Japanese word for cucumber. There is "mixed" spaghetti, "mixed" pizza, "mixed" sandwich. Unless they also add corn, in which case it is called "mixed special."

Which goes to show that Japanese food is weird, but Italian food is weirder. The Italians eat cheesy balls and chicken hamburgers. I hope they don't get mad cow bird flu.

McDonald's and the Olympics. Now that's quite a pair. Eat a Big Mac, ski faster.
Hey, soy burgers are delicious!
Eat a lot of Big Macs and you can roll down the hill instead of skiing.

Anonymous you hippie :)
Sure they are. But call them tofu, don't call them burgers.
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