Chin Yui Yat Sang (Theme song from the movie "The Killer" (1989) directed by John Woo) - Sally Yeh
If dogs could speak...
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Prison bar code
If it's bad to be dumb, it's even worse to be a dumb thief.

Jonathan Baldino, a student at the University of Colorado, was arrested last week in Boulder and charged with one felony count of forgery and two misdemeanor counts of theft, when he tried to purchase a $150 iPod for only $4.99. His scam was to make copies of bar codes taken from inexpensive merchandise, attach the fake labels on big-ticket items and take them to the cashier. It worked -- once, but when he tried it a second time, an alert security guard at a Target store stopped him at the check-out.

Following his arrest, Baldino has expressed extreme remorse and asked for leniency. In a statement to police, he wrote: "I will NEVER EVER DO THIS EVER AGAIN and I am once more terribly sorry. Please let me go for I am terribly sorry!!! I'm only a kid! Help me out. I just want to go home. I did this not knowing of the serious penalty that lies behind it. Please! Please! Please!" In a follow-up letter, he said: "I am extremely sad now, and I just want to go to bed. Please let me sleep in my own bed tonight." If that plea doesn't work, he'd better hope that Bubba his cellmate likes the music he's downloaded to his iPod. Downloaded legally, I am sure.

So, is whining now considered an appropriate appelate defense?
That guy isduuuuuuumb. If he's smart, his attorney will say he is not competent to stand trial. And he's so duuuuuuumb it might work!
Hello Buy,
Bye bye.

I think he should start working on his Dear Bubba letter.

Dumb and greedy. A bad combination.
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