Saturday, October 08, 2005

It's a logical extension of what seems like a good idea.
Back in April, the government of Japan kicked off a campaign they named "Cool Biz" to encourage office workers to forgo their suits and ties and go short-sleeve so that building temperatures can be kept at higher than 82F (or 28C for you foreigners. By the way, notice how easy their measurement systems are? You just reverse the digits. And stop complaining that metric is difficult). That might not sound like much, but given Japan's humid summers, 82F can be quite uncomfortable, especially in a dark business suit which for all practical purposes was mandatory attire for many Japanese workers. The concept was that with reduced use of air conditioning, the country could save millions and millions of barrels of oil which they can re-export to the US so we can drive their Toyotas and Nissans and Hondas. It all made perfect sense.
Summer is now over, and the government has of course declared Cool Biz a major success (although their Prime Minister didn't give a speech under a giant "Mission Accomplished" banner like our President Bush did after Iraq). And clothing stores were happy that their business was booming. Just as many of us might have trouble finding a clean suit for a major occasion, many Japanese had to scramble to dress casual, and sales of shirts in particular grew threefold at some stores. Only the tie-makers were upset, but they still have Christmas to look forward to.
Encouraged by the acceptance of Cool Biz, on October 1 the government started a new autumn-winter version they dubbed, obviously, "Warm Biz" to promote the wearing of warm clothing so that office thermostats can be turned down to 20C (or 02F or something like that. Anyway it's colder than you think). Ever so helpful, the Environment Ministry advised people to wear layered clothing, and extra thick socks, turtleneck sweaters and waist-long coats, and thermal underwear underneath all of that. And maybe a fur coat. Or else you die freezing.
Not to be outdone, The US Department of Energy is sponsoring a web site, to promote energy conservation. The site features enemy characters such as Boss Hogg, Sammy Swine, Ivanna Hamm, Mork Pork, Kelvin Bacon and Penelope Pigg that suck energy out of your home, and gives you useful tips like turning off lights and showering less. They also have energy scavenger hunt games that can mesmerize you for hours and hours even on your most boring days. You really should check it out. Totally amazing! Who knows, we could end up saving more than the Japanese, and show them who is the Boss Hogg.
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Our version of temperature control consists of putting log after log on the fire. Most of the old-timers here have figured that one out.
I still don't know if the AC works in my car . . .
I still don't know if the AC works in my car . . .
I looked at the energyhog site. That's our government at its best. How much money did we spend on that thing, and does anyone seriously think we would actually save energy because of that?
It was 55F this morning and I was shivering. The coldest I've seen was 10F one time during a trip through Wyoming. Anything below that is beyond my imagination.
But be careful not to upset the Animal Rights anti-fur people.
I'm sure that is the main part of our energy policy. Don't make fun of it.
It was 55F this morning and I was shivering. The coldest I've seen was 10F one time during a trip through Wyoming. Anything below that is beyond my imagination.
But be careful not to upset the Animal Rights anti-fur people.
I'm sure that is the main part of our energy policy. Don't make fun of it.
We keep our house at 70 deg in summer and 75 deg in winter. Doesn't make sense, but that's what is comfortable. Cost a bundle though even though it's a smallish house.
I repeat . . . (in a subliminal fashion) come to Alaska . . .
Actually, 34F was the warmest I saw outside, and was only wearing a mesh football jersey (and JEANS, I'm not an animal!!!) and it wasn't that bad.
I repeat . . . (in a subliminal fashion) come to Alaska . . .
Actually, 34F was the warmest I saw outside, and was only wearing a mesh football jersey (and JEANS, I'm not an animal!!!) and it wasn't that bad.
It doesn't have to make sense. Just how you feel. I keep my house at 70F in winter. Too cheap to go any higher.
What can I say? I'm a wimp when it comes to cold. This husky has been too California-ized.
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It doesn't have to make sense. Just how you feel. I keep my house at 70F in winter. Too cheap to go any higher.
What can I say? I'm a wimp when it comes to cold. This husky has been too California-ized.
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