Chin Yui Yat Sang (Theme song from the movie "The Killer" (1989) directed by John Woo) - Sally Yeh
If dogs could speak...
Sunday, July 31, 2005
This commercial sucks
Burger King's recent attempts to lure younger customers back by trying to be hip and cool have been at times questionable.

First they resurrected a dubious character in their Wake Up With The King breakfast campaign. The King had an oversized plastic face and a creepy smile, and was sitting on a guy's bed watching him sleep. Then they launched a Subservient Chicken web site where you can get a goofy looking chicken to do borderline edgy stuff (he'll pick his nose or go pee-pee -- turning around before he unzips, but he will give you a naughty-naughty finger if you tell him to go screw himself, or get a Big Mac).

A King in your bedroom. Cluck on the Subservient Chicken to supersize

Next came a musical ad for the Bacon Cheddar Ranch sandwich featuring Darius Rucker from Hootie and the Blowfish in a rhinestone cowboy suit, surrounded by pretty farm girls and Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, singing a parody of the song Big Rock Candy Mountain. That effort fared much better because it was so bizzarre and cheesy that it was funny and memorable, although it probably tanked Hootie's career forever.

I love tender crisp bacon cheddar ranch - the breasts they grown on trees
and streams of bacon ranch dressing flow right up to your knees

I love the tender crisp bacon cheddar ranch no one tells you to behave
your wildest fantasies come true - Dallas cheerleaders give you shaves
where onions make you laugh instead and french fries grow like weeds

Burger King's latest invention to promote their new Chicken Fries was a heavy metal band named unfortunately, ahem, CoqRoq with the lead singer Fowl Mouth blasting out songs like Bob Your Head. The ad concept was to introduce a "plucky new music genre that combines the latest in hard-working rock and easy-eating chicken." Whatever that means.

Bob your head
Push out your beak
Bob your head
Shake your lean white meat

Lift your noble stick
Raise it to the skies
Wave the golden prize
And bob your head
Bob your head

The Coq gets shots from the road

Their web site showed Polaroid snapshots of Paris Hilton lookalike female fans with handwritten captions "Groupies Love the Coq" and "Groupies Love Coq." If that wasn't enough, they had Burger King misspelled in some ads. Within a day, the pictures were relabeled "Shots from the Road" or yanked completely from the site.

I guess somebody was pushing the Coq too hard.

LOL. Too funny. I have tears in my eyes. Your blog is great. We look forward to reading it every weekend morning.
Hahaha. Coqroq! Pushing the Coq too hard. How can that be?
Great post!
Sorry, but somebody HAS to be Homer . . .
mmmmm, ranch dressing

Ironically, they show the BK commercials a LOT on Cartoon Network. Like you're going to phase anyone who watches Aqua Teen with singing chickens. Heck, they had Zack Wilde with singing scorpion robots . . .
You, sir, have a twisted mind :)
"Pushing the Coq"?
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