Chin Yui Yat Sang (Theme song from the movie "The Killer" (1989) directed by John Woo) - Sally Yeh
If dogs could speak...
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Everything atomic
Daylight Saving Time kicked in last night and it's great. Getting up early and staying up late are things that just seem right to me. About the only pain about it was resetting all the watches and clocks around the house.

About two years ago, I decided that was enough and started buying only "atomic clocks", the ones that get the time signal from Colorado and adjust themselves. Both of my wall clocks and the bedroom alarm clock are like that; the programmable front porch light switch is not atomic but it does have a calendar so knows how to adjust itself; even the lowly VCR player (now that's a relic from the dark ages of video) gets its time signal from TV stations, and of course the computer regularly gets sync-ed up automatically too. That leaves me with just 2 things to reset manually: my wrist watch -- I preset 2 time zones, one for standard time and one for saving time, so all I have to do is switch back and forth, and the microwave oven, but that's easy enough that I don't need to fumble around with instructions. Such are the little conveniences of modern life.
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