Chin Yui Yat Sang (Theme song from the movie "The Killer" (1989) directed by John Woo) - Sally Yeh
If dogs could speak...
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Lunar New Year
Work was pretty uneventful today. A few of the Asians exchanged "Happy New Year" greetings but mostly it was business as usual. The guy I interviewed was from Taiwan so I said Happy New Year to him and he was so surprised he nearly fell out of his chair. I don't know if that's a good sign -- that people are fitting in better in the US, or a bad sign -- that a big holiday like this in their home country doesn't mean much anymore.

One more thing about the New Year: I don't think anyone had a worse start than Carly Fiorina, the CEO of HP who got fired today. I got up, turned the TV on and heard the breaking news that she had "departed" HP. What a strange way to describe the event. Either she got fired or she quit, but "departed" sounds like her soul just floated away into some kind of afterlife. Weird.

I took the Mayo Clinic health risk assessment at work and scored very low on the risk scale. The key things were diet (high on vegetables/fruits) and exercise. I answered 300 min/week of light activity, 200 of medium intensity and 100 of high intensity. I think that's pretty accurate but it surprised me that it really doesn't take much. That just 10 hours a week or just 6%. I'm averaging 6000 steps a day on the pedometer, far short of the recommended 10K. I can only hope that it underestimates big time.

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